BusinessAsema & Startup Station (Hallituskatu 36, 90100 Oulu)
30.5.2024 18:00-20:30 



None of us knew that we needed an iPhone until we saw it. CULTUR€ – Matching with Busine$$ is not just an event – it is the start of a future ecosystem.

Do you know how culture and art can be used to produce and increase the value of companies?

Cooperation with culture and creative industries creates new opportunities to develop your company’s business, products and services. It is also a good way to reach new customers. With the help of cooperation, it is easier to create new innovations for all areas of business: ecological, economic and social sustainable development – without forgetting the well-being and productivity of the staff.

Now your company has the opportunity to gain international visibility and cooperation networks in the field of culture. Oulu will be the European Capital of Culture in 2026, and then all of Europe’s attention will be directed to Oulu. Are you ready?

At the CULTUR€ – Matching with Busine$$ event, you get to know other parties looking for cooperation, and you get help from experts to finance the cooperation. In addition, you get to see how other companies have utilized cultural services to find and increase added value.

At the event, you can enjoy a cozy chillout lounge to maximise your networking opportunities, the lounge area has snacks and drinks, live background music and art installations. The event will be hosted by the driving force of Radio Kaleva – Sini Salmirinne.

Sini Salmirinne is a hugely experienced journalist with an overwhelming passion for making radio. She is currently living her professional dream by piloting the northern Finnish local radio station Radio Kaleva.

The CULTUR€ – Matching with Busine$$ event is part of the EU Dance Hack project, which is supported by EU Creative Europe and Oulu2026. Our partners are: TaikaBox Ry, BusinessOulu, Radio Kaleva, Osuuskunta A. Vipunen, Kaltio Creative, TAIKE Luova network.


18:00 – 18:05 Kick-off performance: Nextier, Bosch Sensortec, FabLab Oulu, TaikaBox ry

18:05 – 8:20 Welcome, Oulu2026, examples from around the world

18:20 – 18:35 Collaboration pitching

18:35 – 18:40 Cooperation ‘warming up’

18:40 – 19:15 Free mingling, introductions, clinics and coffee/tea and light snacks

19:15 – 19:30 Collaboration pitching

19:30 – 20:00 Panel discussion: Tamara Louis (UKI Arkkitehdit Oy / JCI Tar Valley Oulu), Anna-Riikka Hirvonen (Oulu Museum and Science Centre), Pasi Jokinen (Vuo AI) and Marcos Katz (Professor of Wireless Communications, University of Oulu)

20:00 – 20:30 Free mingling + Chill Out Lounge after party with light art / flower installation and live music


Matleena Aarikallio works as a partnership manager for the business cooperation of the European Capital of Culture, Oulu2026. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable business models are close to her heart. She has a master’s degree in education and is an Executive Master of Business Administration.

Anna-Riikka Hirvonen Works as audience supervisor at the Oulu Museum and Science Centre, responsible for exhibitions and events. She is currently working on the development of new projects and content for the Oulu 2026 programme, particularly the the Deep Space project of the Museum and Science Centre.

Tamara Louis moved to Finland in 2012 and currently works as an architectural designer at Uki Architects. She is actively involved in the Youth Chamber of Commerce activities and curiously follows various cultural events and projects in Oulu.

Marcos Katz is a professor at the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) of the University of Oulu. He is also a member of the 6G Flagship. He is working with novel techniques to provide more sustainable wireless connectivity using light. 

Pasi A. Jokinen is a true nerd armed with ADHD at heart, but also incredibly accomplished. He has founded a software company, led a hardware startup, served as the CEO of a gaming company, brokered multinational deals across three continents, and managed to maintain a strong relationship with his two children throughout. Now, he is challenging all notions of personal work-life balance at his new startup, Vuo AI.


During the event, you can pitch to find partners. You can present your own product, service or even a new form of cooperation based on your skills. You have 2 minutes to present your proposal. Remember to book a pitch in advance during registration and briefly describe your topic. It is possible to plug into the projector and sound system to help demonstrate your idea.


Two types of clinic are offered at the event: individual consultancy and clinics aimed at groups, the goal of which is to support the development of collaborative projects. Book a suitable clinic when registering. Please only choose the clinics you actually plan to attend, so that there is room for everyone.

Creative network project clinic (individual clinic)

1) From an idea to a project
Do you have an idea in mind for strengthening the creative industry or utilizing professional expertise in new fields, but you are not sure how to proceed? Come and try different methods that make it easier to shape an idea into a project.

2) Applicability of the idea to European Social Fund+
Do you have a bright project idea, but still wondering if it is suitable for ESF+ funding? Come and discuss what to consider when considering a national or regional ESF+ application.

Sofia-Charlotta Kakko (Creative network project, Taike) spars with experts in creative fields in project ideation. Kakko has 15 years of experience in running ESR projects in the cultural sector, and now he works as a project manager in the Creative Network. The creative network coordinates the ESR+ theme of innovation expertise in the creative and cultural sector. ESR+ funding strengthens employment and skills in creative fields and the creative economy.

Creative solution – How do I present my idea in a business financing application? (group clinic)

Who it’s for: Companies in the creative industry or companies who have creative ideas that they would like to receive funding for. At Klink, you can get examples of what kind of development or financing needs AVEK digidemo and createmo, ELY’s development grant and Business Finland’s tempo are suitable for. At the clinic, you can discuss your own ideas and get useful tips for verbalizing your ideas in a funding application.

Katariina Imporanta is a brand strategist and CEO of Kaltio Creative, who wants to help the birth of a new kind of business that utilizes creative thinking. Katariina has a long experience in building various brands and creative concepts, strategy work, multidisciplinary business development and the search for funding.

Inventors’ Clinic (group and individual consultation)

At first glance, inventing, applied arts, and scientific research may seem very different. However, they all have innovation, creativity, problem-solving, and risk-taking in common. All these activities strive to produce something original, with an emphasis on real innovation. Creativity is at their very core, manifesting itself as new ideas, visions, and solutions. Inventions, applied arts, and scientific research all rely on the ability to identify and solve problems. Although the challenges are different, the problem-solving process is similar. Those active in these fields are also characterised by an eagerness to try new, seemingly impossible approaches and are willing to accept the ever-present risk of failure.

Inventors’ Clinic can help when the objective is to turn a new idea into a business. Inventors’ Clinic provides an inspiring communal experience and, when needed, offers confidential advice. In productization and commercialization, both in inventing and applied arts, it is essential to identify business opportunities, protect one’s intellectual property, find partners to collaborate with, and draft agreements.

Inventors’ Clinic consists of two components:

  • A communal, interactive event where the participants inspire one another to identify commercialization opportunities for their creations and share experiences on topics such as intellectual property protection, partners, and sources of information.
  • Confidential one-on-one meetings where the commercialization and protection possibilities of a new idea are carefully assessed. Expert assistance is provided by a patent attorney whose specialization is intellectual property and an innovation consultant, both with extensive experience in their areas of expertise. Participants are protected by non-disclosure agreements, so even the wildest new ideas can be discussed confidentially.

Jukka Berg is an innovation expert and the CEO of the inventor community Osuuskunta A. Vipusen, who has inspired and mentored hundreds of inventors and innovative companies. Jukka’s special field is SME IPR and business strategies, financial planning and tasks related to productisation and internationalisation. Jukka has extensive work experience in international tasks in business development and product development and marketing.

Project Showcases

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress


Galleria Mehiläinen, founded in July 2019, offers a place for art in the city centre of Oulu. The gallery is located on the 4th floor of the Mehiläinen Medical Centre in the occupational health and physiotherapy corridors and lobbies, forming a smoothly moving art tour. The exhibitions change every two months. Art has been proven to increase well-being. It is important that the building where people visit to receive healthcare also has a nurturing quality. Gallery Mehiläinen features art as part of caring. Customers and patients of the Medical Centre are encouraged to visit the Gallery for an art snack between or after examinations. Art belongs to everyone and we make art available to everyone. Everyone has the right to create and present their work. We consciously choose a variety of artwork, but it is always nurturing, constructive and positivity-generating. The atmosphere of the space changes according to the mood of the artworks. Experienced artists, beginners and artists from different target groups are invited to the gallery, as well as the annual Mehiläinen staff exhibition. The exhibitions are coordinated by Aihiomo Design Agency together with the Liminka Art School and the Mehiläinen art team.


Nextier is a team of passionate software professionals. Founded in 2021 and trusted by industry leaders, our cutting-edge solutions empower you to fulfil your vision and bring your ideas to life. Nextier are working with TaikaBox to develop motion sensor technology for Oulu Dance Hack


FVS is an online meeting platform where people can simultaneously visit a virtual environment. It is generally used for teaching and training, but Finpeda and TaikaBox are collaborating on extending it into a performance and gallery context.


Kanerva Flower Shop is a brick-and-mortar store in the centre of Oulu that makes high-quality local handicrafts. Kanerva is known for excellent service, professionalism and quality. Through flowers, we are involved in all situations of our customers’ lives, both happy and sad. We also organise different flower courses and events for both individuals and companies. We deliver flowers to Oulu and nearby areas through our own online store. As a member of the international Interflora chain, we can also deliver flowers all over the world. Kanerva are collaborating with TaikaBox to create light art installations.


A Fab Lab, or fabrication laboratory, is a small-scale workshop offering digital fabrication and prototyping services, typically equipped with an array of flexible computer-controlled tools and machines, such as 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, and various electronic tools. Originating from an MIT project, Fab Labs aim to democratize access to the tools for personal and community invention. They serve as educational, entrepreneurial, and community hubs, where individuals—from hobbyists to students to professionals—can come together to create, learn, and collaborate on a wide range of projects. Gleb Bulygin is a maker and an instructor at Fab Lab Oulu. Every project he makes is an opportunity to learn something new and share it with a community of creative thinkers. His passion for innovation often leads him down rabbit holes of endless experimentation with the latest technologies and techniques in digital fabrication. Gleb is collaborating with TaikaBox on the development of a performance that uses wearable soft robotics.


Osmo Hakosalo is a folk musician, community musician and music pedagogue. He works as a content producer and expert in music pedagogy for OAMK’s KanTaMus project. His kantele playing is based on ancient Finnish traditional way of playing. Everything is improvised on the spot and playing is more guided by different sound landscapes rather than melodies or harmonies. Osmo is collaborating with TaikaBox on a performance installation that integrates Kantele and interactive projection.


Bosch Sensortec is the technology leader in sensing solutions based on microelectromechanical systems. Their sensors are used in consumer electronics throughout the world. Risto Anttila from the Oulu office is working with TaikaBox on coding movement sensors for Oulu Dance Hack.


Store Talo in Tuira will be renovated and developed into a sustainable mixed mode of living and working. The everyday activities and responsibilities of the inhabitants are organised using a digital system of Gamified Cohousing, and the building accommodates space for constant flow of cultural and renovation activities that increase the sense of identity, participation and community. 
 Store Talo will be the headquarters of the World Music School AIR, focusing on teaching music and performance skills relating to the Air Guitar World Championships. The project is headed by Pedro Aibéo – an internationally awarded Architect and Civil Engineer, Vis. Ass. Professor on ”Architectural Democracy”, founder & CEO of the Gamified Cohousing Oy, of the World Music School and of the “Cidadania” theatre+games group, musician, drawing teacher, and a Deputy Member of Lohja’s Town Planning Board.


The KUDOS project is a collaborative development model by the cities of Oulu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, and Lahti, aimed at strengthening the digital capabilities of municipal cultural activities. We are building a network of expertise and sharing knowledge, as well as implementing agile pilots in cultural digitalization that address the challenges of municipal cultural activities.